In 1954, through the cooperation of the Forest Cemetery Association and the Oskaloosa Chapter of the Service Star Legion, this permanent Memorial Day platform was built at the north end of Lake Cunningham. It was to be a war memorial honoring all war dead from all branches of the armed services in our county.

Navy Parrot Rifle
It was made by the West Point Foundry and is a 4.2-in (30 pounder) Parrott rifle.

Navy Parrott Rifle
This rifle (cannon) was donated to Phil Kearney Post #40 G.A.R. in 1902 and was placed at the entrance to the G.A.R. section. It was part of the battery of U.S.S. Vicksburg and was fired 101 times through March, 1865.

Memorial Day Parade
There is a parade from the American Legion to Forest Cemetery on Memorial Day.

Veteran's Memorial
This memorial was built to honor all Mahaska County Veterans. It has become an important part of the Memorial Day Services.

Memorial Day Services

Memorial Day Services

Memorial Day Services

Avenue of Flags

11th Street Entrance
The 11th Street Entrance on Memorial weekend.